The kick-off meeting for the IMAGINE-STIM project took place on Tuesday 12 March at the Hôtel de la Région Grand Est in Strasbourg.
Project partners, Vera Dinkelacker, Eva Martinez Lizana, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage and Nils Schwaderlapp, were present for the event.
The first part of the day was dedicated to administrative and financial information on the management of the project. The official launch ceremony for the Interreg Offensive Science projects took place in the presence of Franck Leroy, President of the Grand-Est region, Petra Olshoswki, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Science, Research and the Arts, and Prof. Dr. Hannes Kopf, President of SGD-Suf in Rhineland-Palatinate.
The coordinators of the 7 project received a cheque for the FEDER and regional funding for their respective projects.

Photos credit : Interreg Rhin supérieur, Jean Luc Stadler (Région Grand Est)
IMAGINE-STIM kick-off meeting
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