The IMAGINE-STIM Upper Rhine project officially got under way this week, on 15 April 2024, bringing together teams from Strasbourg and Freiburg at the Neurology Centre of Freiburg University Hospital. The meeting was attended by Vera Dinkelacker (ICube Unistra) and Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Matthias Dümpelmann, Eva Martinez Lizana, Nils Schwaderlapp, Michael Klingenberg, Thomas Lange and Sotirios Kalousios (UKF).
The day’s presentations were aimed at finalising the administrative details and setting up the framework for the technical and research components of the project.
- Focal cortex stimulation with EASEE electrode : Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
- Flow diagram patient visits : Matthias Dümpelmann
- High-Density EEG and analysis pipeline : Matthias Dümpelmann
- Resting State EEG-FMRI : Nils Schwaderlapp
- MRI sequences and analysis Strasbourg : Vera Dinkelacker, Nils Schwaderlapp
- Co-ordination of actions to conclude final bureaucratic steps for project initiation Michael Klingenberg, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Vera Dinkelacker
- Ethic’s applications and study protocols : Eva Martinez Lizana
Launch of the IMAGINE-STIM project