The IMAGINE-STIM project team attended the 62nd Annual Meeting of the German Epileptological Society, held from 12 to 15 June 2024 in Offenburg. The congress focused on the theme, “People with Epilepsy – Seizures and Beyond.”

Vera Dinkelacker (ICube Unistra), Andreas Schulze-Bonhage (Freiburg University Hospital), Anka Maren Staack, and Bernhardt-Steinhoff (Kehl-Kork Epilepsy Centre) had the opportunity to discuss the project’s progress and next steps.

On Friday, 14 June, Vera Dinkelacker presented the IMAGINE-STIM project, introducing the team and outlining the project’s primary objectives and translational potential for societal and industrial applications, while highlighting the challenges of cross-border collaboration. She also acknowledged the project’s funders and discussed the role of industrial partner Precisis, which is developing and refining a cortical focal stimulation system (EASEE) targeting neural networks, informed by the project’s findings.

IMAGINE-STIM team participates of the DGFE 2024